March 3,4,5 - 2020
International Centre Goa
What is OWASP Seasides?
Welcome to the Annual OWASP SeaSides InfoSec event.
Through OWASP Bangalore chapter we aim to provide free of cost premium workshops and talks to all the participants. We plan to have Workshop on 3rd to 5th March 2020 (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
Watch 2020 into
Featured Speakers
Ade Yoseman Putra
Ade Yoseman Putra Indonesia
Amol Naik
GoJekAmol Naik India
Director at CrowdfenseAndrea Dubai
Arun Mane
Amynasec Labs LLPArun Mane India
Avkash Kathiriya
Cyware LabsAvkash Kathiriya Mumbai
Bhavik Shah
CiscoBhavik Shah Bangalore
Chandni Kanaujia
Chandni Kanaujia India
Hack The Box
Hack The Box Global
Harsh Bothra
Harsh Bothra India
Jay Turla
BugcrowdJay Turla Philippines
Kartheek Lade
Student - Amrita Vishwa VidyapeethamKartheek Lade
Kaustubh Padwad
Reliance JioKaustubh Padwad Mumbai
Martin Straka
GoogleMartin Straka
Mihir Shah
Mihir Shah Bangalore
EnciphersNarendra India
Nikhil P Kulkarni
Nimisha Dughyala
Nimisha Dughyala
Rejah Rehim
Rejah Rehim Kerala
Rushikesh Nandedkar
FireEyeRushikesh Nandedkar
Satyam Dubey
Satyam Dubey Bhopal
Seedon Dsouza
Security EnthusiastSeedon Dsouza India
Shikhar Joshi
Shikhar Joshi
Shilpa Ranganatha
Shilpa Ranganatha Bangalore
Shrutirupa Banerjiee
QualysShrutirupa Banerjiee
Sven Schleier
OWASPSven Schleier Singapore
Tamaghna Basu
neoEYED Inc.Tamaghna Basu Bangalore
Vandana Verma
OWASP Global Board MemberVandana Verma Bangalore
Veerababu Penugonda
Veerababu Penugonda Bangalore
Yash Bharadwaj
Yash Bharadwaj Bhopal